Sunday 04/17/16 3PM
Lobby Gallery, Second Floor, Third Floor, Fourth Floor, and Fifth FloorVisit Us

Architecture Tour

Cover Image:

Chris Burden, Ghost Ship, 2005. Thirty-foot handmade sixareen sailboat, aluminum mast, computers and software, hydraulics, GPS system, auto rudder, and rigging, 6 ft × 8 ft 6 in × 30 ft (1.8 × 2.6 × 9.1 m). Courtesy the artist and Gagosian Gallery. Photo: Dean Kaufman

Architecture tours are led by New Museum docents and focus on the Museum’s building, which was designed by the architectural firm SANAA. Architecture tours are free with Museum admission. No pre-registration necessary. Tours are limited to 15 visitors on a first come, first served basis.

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